Racing for more than PR’s

If you’re on IG or TikTok, you’ll notice people are hunting, hunting for Personal Records in the marathon, half, 5k, even the mile. It’s trendy to run fast. And why wouldn't it be right? We like to push ourselves to achieve new firsts, and the easiest measure of success in running is running faster. But maybe we’ve come to focus on this too much now. 

PR’s are great! Don’t get me wrong, I’m working on a few myself, but what if we started looking at more than just a row of numbers to measure our success. What if we challenged ourselves in new ways every once in a while. Let’s talk about racing for more than records can be just as fun and reinvigorating for you. 

Less Stressful

Chasing a PR is hard. It takes consistent work and effort over long periods of time to get faster. Eventually we all get a little burned out trying to keep up. Your body does well with changing things up both mentally and physically, trying a race that’s out of your comfort zone that challenges you beyond running fast can be rejuvenating to your training and helps develop other aspects of your running.

Challenges beyond running

This might sound crazy, but why not find a hilly race to run? Or a technically challenging trail race to conquer? Yeah you won’t run fast, but you'll run hard. You’ll get better at climbing or scuttling down rocky paths. All of which will make you a better runner. 

Unique races and experiences 

Piggy backing off my last point, the most challenging races tend to be some of the most unique and beautiful courses. Trade in the city street or suburban asphalt for dirt trails and rural roads. These can be a treat for your eyes and your soul. Why not enjoy the scenery while you work your butt off. 

Build mental fortitude 

Picking a race that’s scary to you can be, well, scary. I felt that when I raced my first Half Ironman a few years ago. I didn’t want to swim with thousands of people around me. But didn’t let that stop me from completing two Half Ironman and counting. Working on conquering your own fear is incredibly empowering and can maybe even help you find a new passion. I still don’t love swimming in open water but I love training and racing triathlons.

Makes the easier races…well, easier

If you race in places that aren’t built for speed, you’ll race faster in the places that are. Training for tough courses makes you physically and mentally stronger as a runner. Taking some time to challenge yourself can pay big dividends in helping you reach a PR in the future. 

Race for Something Beyond your Own Goals

Even if you’re not looking to conquer a new challenge, racing for something beyond a time goal can be WAY less stressful and way more fun. Try jumping in a race with a friend, or help pace for a family member who’s new to running.


Be Cool, Run Smart in the Heat this Summer


Why am I Doing This: Base Building