Meet Our Athletes:

Lucas: "WE DID IT" This text still sends goosebumps down my spine when I look back over the training cycle with Lucas. This was Luca's 7th Marathon and his first sub 3 - a Boston Qualifier. Being from the Boston area, Boston always had a special place to Lucas. He grew up watching his dad compete in Ironmans and run Boston - he wanted to be next! Lucas committed to training through multiple training cycles to achieve his goal! Selecting CIM (2021) as his first actual attempt at sub 3, crossing the finish line in 2:56:07. Smashing his goal of 3:00-3:05 and my goal of 2:59. Hard work pays off! (Since this race has gone on to run a new PR 2:52:51 at the Philly Marathon 2023. Forever proud of you Lucas! 

2017 - Marine Corps Marathon - 4:34:52
2018 - Providence Marathon - 3:45:48
2018 - Marine Corps Marathon - 3:39:51
2019 - Chicago Marathon - 3:28:10
2020 - virtual MCM 3:14
2020 - Richmond sorta virtual 3:11:01
2021 - CIM 2:56:07

  • "I enjoyed getting to relinquish control and let Danielle mold me into an injury-free marathoner. As a bonus, my easy pace got faster and I’ve discovered a love for workout days."


  • "She brought me through a tough period in my training and guided me back to a personal best on my second marathon. She’s a great coach and will be there for you!"


  • "Training was engaging and challenged me to work hard and test my limits. I couldn't ask for more and I will continue to work with Coach D as a result."


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